is Homotoxicology?
is the most modern development in homeopathic medicine and is based on
the integration of basic medical science with homeopathic principles.
It represents a unique synthesis between the concepts of molecular
biology, biochemistry, toxicology and patho-physiology, resulting in
non-toxic biological therapies. Homotoxicology
represents a significant advance in the field of biological medicine.
living organism is viewed as a dynamic flow system constantly adjusting
to its immediate environment. Any noxious influence disturbing this
delicate dynamic flow balance is defined as a
“homotoxin”, meaning toxic to humans. Homotoxins
may originate internally (metabolic products not broken down or
eliminated efficiently) or externally (environmental contaminants,
infectious agents, etc.) When a homotoxin is encountered, the organism
attempts to eliminate it, if possible, or adapt to the noxious
influence if elimination cannot be effectively accomplished.
Homotoxicology maintains that all vital processes depend on the
interconversion of chemically identifiable agents into useful energy.
In the case of disease, the chemical substances have become pathogenic
toxins. These homotoxins are responsible for those processes we call
“disease”. Many symptoms of
“disease” are actually manifestations of the body
attempting to detoxify (heal) itself from homotoxins. Anti-homotoxic,
pro-biologic therapy assists the immune system in its attempts to
detoxify itself from disease causing homtoxins. Conditions
that can benefit from Homotoxicology:
disease conditions may benefit from the use of the homotoxicological
remedies. Acute childhood disease; to even the most advanced
degenerative conditions may be alleviated through this method.
conditions, especially childhood diseases, may be beneficially managed
and treated according to natural biological medicinal principles.
injuries and especially sports injuries may be treated and the healing
time reduced. The committee of sport specialist physicians of the
Olympic Games recommend primarily homotoxicological treatment for
sports injuries. Chronic
disease in all its phases can be successfully treated by
homotoxicological methods. If the disease has progressed too far, a
cure may not be possible, but the patient’s quality of life
may be improved in many instances. In many of these cases,
homotoxicological therapy may be combined with surgery, chemotherapy,
radiation therapy, antibiotic therapy and other methods of treatment.